Wednesday, 20 September 2023

MAP General Terms of Reference & FAQ



Publication Brokerage Service (MPBS)


General Terms of Reference/Conditions & FAQs

(Working document/check for revisions)



MAPublisher, MA = Mayar Akash, MAPublisher is also referred to and used as MAP


MAP = is MAPublisher


Self publisher – MAPublisher is a self publisher, offers a hybrid service to the public to help them self publish.


PublishAll works published for clients by MAPublisher and via its imprints are on the basis that the client is self publishing their own books and they assume all responsibilities that are inherent in doing so. MAP provides service to the self publisher.


MPBS - MAPublisher Publication Brokerage Service

BPJ – Book Publishing Journey

Brokerage – MAPublisher publishes your book for you by using MAP’s publishing account.


Published = It means, include the following; In order to publish the book it will have been registered with the ISBN database, so published meaning here include registration to ISBN.


Fulfilment fee = covers servicing of the publishing including administration, design work, photo processing for the book and cover as well as the brokerage service.


TORA – Terms of reference agreement – this is the document that outlines and set the terms for your publishing of your book between you and MAP.


TORI – Terms of reference information – this the information provided during the consultation/discussion period provided for your perusal and confirmation to move forward with the publishing


ASI – Authors support information sheets – MAP has produce information sheets that explain the subject it is covering, to support and help the writer to understand, learn and familiarise MAP’s way of doing things.

Terms of Reference Agreement (TORA)

This booklet is the bulk of the terms of reference and is part of the agreement.


These terms are default of MAPublisher and its imprints.


Any specific arrangements will be in conjunction to this booklet.


Specific conditions or agreements is and will be an add on to these default terms hear-in this booklet, unless stated otherwise in writing with this agreement with the booklet.


Uploading and publishing your book will only happen once the agreement has been signed.


Specific to you

Royalty rate chosen:          %

Special instruction: .


Retail price of the book is set at:

Cost of book: £        (Subject to inflation)


All other terms of references are set, sent separately via email make up the TORA as listed on the TORA signature sheet.



Book Publication Journey (Procedures)(BPJ)

169 Points Book Publication Journey




1.Initial contact/


1.          Conversation /Assessment

2.          One to one

3.                    Brief history about MA & MAP

4.                    Introduction to publishing option

5.                    Context to publishing 1 –

a.                    The days of Traditional

b.                    What is publishing house

c.                    selecting marketable manuscript

d.                    designing and editing

e.                    selling and promoting

f.                     list of big publishing house

g.                    how do publishing houses work

h.                    how to work with a publishing house

i.                     write your manuscript

j.                     determine your genre and category

k.                    prepare your submission material

l.                     find publisher and agent

m.                  wait to hear back

n.                    Evaluate offer & other options

6.                    Context to publishing 2

7.                    What is a vanity Press

8.                    Indie publishing

9.                    MAPublisher

10.                 Ready to publish

a.                    Assign

b.                    unassigned

11.                 Publishing your book flow chart

12.                 MAP Structure

13.                 MAP Service

14.                 General Terms & Conditions (LINK)

15.                 Submission Form

16.                 Compatibility Questionnaire

2. Submission

17.       Receive Submission

18.       Receive Manuscript

19.       Appraise

20.       Register a digital folder

21.       Generate hard copy folder for file


3. Service

22.       Option on book publishing

23.       Select the book size

24.       What imprint determined by the service chosen

25.                 Offer of service (TORI)

26.                 Cost of service

27.                 Fee Facilities

28.                 MAP Cost flow chart

4. Drafting

Structural Edit

29.       Create draft from template

30.       Set content

31.       Legal page

32.       Space and indent - layout

33.       Synopsis/blurb

34.       Illustrations

35.       Appendices,

36.       bibliography

37.       notes

38.       index

39.                 Terms of reference information (TORI)/ Q&As

40.                 Provide information of service available

41.                 Book Publication Journey (BPJ)


5. Copy edit


42.       Spell & grammar check

43.       Typos punctuations,

44.       Basic spell checks

45.       facts

46.       figures


6. Design & Typesetting




Press = CMYK

47.       Cover design

48.       Jacket

49.       Artwork created

50.       Royalty free images & Photos

51.       post editing photos images supplied

52.       Cover artwork prepared for:

53.       ISBN

54.       Social media

55.       Print on demand - RGB

56.       Stationary

57.       Litho/press - CYMK

58.       Portfolio

59.       catalogue

60.       marketing

61.       website


7. Draft for proofreading

Ironing out the glitches

62.       Send draft for approval x2

63.       Allocate and assign ISBN to book

64.       Content – POD

65.       Content - Press

66.       Cover  - POD

67.       Cover - Press

68.                 Send correction/approval information diagram


8. Approving

69.       Send final proofread for approval

70.       Add ISBN number to legal page

71.       Add ISBN Barcode to cover

72.       Content – Pod

73.       Content - Press

74.       Cover – Pod

75.       Content - Press

76.       Store approval file digitally

77.       Print: approval email for file

78.                 Approving file

9. Pre-publication

79.       Draft a brief of specs/Print option

80.       Cost of book

81.       Pricing of book

82.       Confirm the royalty split

83.       Beneficiary notice

84.       Terms of reference agreement (TORA)


10. Pre-launch

85.       Royalty distribution account set-up form

86.       W-8ben form


11. Launch

87.       Register book –ISBN Nielsen’s

88.       Upload cover

89.       Register in central portfolio

90.       Register book with distribution chain

91.       Register ISBN with distributer chain

92.       Upload the digital file to distribution

93.       Set up royalty account

94.       Add authors to MAPs publishing account

95.       Assign subaccount

96.       Add new author as payee

97.       Assign percentage split

98.       Upload & Submit w-8ben form

99.       Set up metadata for the book

100.    Add blurb

101.    Add genre

102.    Set up RRP for world regions

103.    USA

104.    UK

105.    Canada

106.    Europe

107.    Australia

108.    Generate web page & link to book

109.    Submit book for “global reach”


12. Published

110.    Order proof copy (MAP)

111.    Web page generated/created with imputed data.

112.    Available to public immediately

113.    Added to MAPublisher’s “Spotlight – online catalogue.


13. Post  publication

114.    ISBN Assignment certificate

115.    Supply link of your book/Web page

116.    Provide link to Waterstones

117.    Add book to MAP portfolio & catalogue


14. Legal deposit

118.    Send/post seed copy to you

119.    Send 1x copy to British library

120.    Send 5x copies to agency

121.    Receive receipt

122.    Send receipt to author for file


15. Hard copy approval

123.    Receive and approve book

124.    Inspect hard copy

125.    Correct if any errors discovered

126.    Approve copy

127.    Amazon ingestion (MAP) (up to 10 weeks)


16. Create Social media

128.    Create promo - Facebook promo

129.    Add to FB-MABOOKS

130.    Add to BOOK MA

131.    Add to FB Mayar Akash

132.    Add to authors FB page

133.    Add to map website



17. Auxiliary Service

134.    Available on request

135.              Website prepared with information

Document created 17.5.2021


1. MAPublisher Publication Brokerage Service (MPBS)

Information booklet


1.1. You have received this booklet because you wish to publish. All publishing services is provided through MAP’s Publication Brokerage Service.


1.2. MPBS provides publishing services to the self publisher. Through MPBS your book will be published; for you to then to tell & sell it to the public. 

1.2a. The 2nd thing that happens is that your book will be listed in MAP’s portfolio and catalogue of published work.


1.3. MPBS is a service provided by a self publisher and is non traditional.

1.3a. MPBS does not buy your work nor does it manage your work as your agent.


1.4. What does happen is you use MPBS to publish your book which involves using an ISBN and the sales and distribution fulfilment set up of MAPublisher.


1.5. Both are required to publish your book, ISBN to make it formal and credible and to be added to the database that makes your book available to the world; and the fulfilment set up to take away the burden of do it yourself.  These two aspects are the gateway to getting your book in the public domain.  The assigning of the ISBN is also an aspect of traditional printing, but not the fulfilment aspect, that pertains to the “Print on Demand” aspect.


1.6. These two aspects are registered to Mayar Akash, the ISBN is MAPublisher’s property and the fulfilment system is registered to MAPublisher too. MPBS is giving you access to these aspects for a fee.  The fee is competitive and in-line with other service providers in the same sector. Through MPBS you are having your books published, once that is launched you are then responsible for promoting and telling people about your book, it is up to you how much or less you market your book.


1.7. Now, while MPBS does not offer or provide the traditional publishing service such as scheduling media interviews and setting up book signings. We don’t send press releases and advance copies to members of the media.


1.8. MPBS does not set the editorial and commercial direction for companies that publish books, newspapers, magazines and digital content. MPBS does not make decisions about the markets their companies will serve and the type of content they will offer their audience.


1.9. MAPublisher promotes its portfolio of books in a variety of ways, such as scheduling social media. MPBS has a Press Release and provides you template to support you. MPBS promotes the book to book, and through the industry set-up the book gets added to bookstores, online sellers and other book distributors. We don’t make decision for you but only make decisions about the marketing of MAP’s portfolio to companies which it will serve and the type of content they will offer their audience.


1.10. So, while some of the aspects of traditional printing is inherent in set process of publishing, as self publisher you have ownership of your content and what you do to promote and sell it.


1.11. Because the Print on demand is a digital file based, you have sought a company (MPBS) to create and publish your work for you; this is you exercising your copyright; you have hired/employed the person/company to write a copy and make it available to the public in order for them to purchase it.


Right, you are ready to publish your work in a book.

1.12. You have two options:

1.12.2. You send your manuscript to the publishing companies and wait for them to accept your work and publish them and like "Penguin, Harper Collins and others.

1.12.3. You self publish your books

The process is daunting and there is no guarantee through the traditional way of publishing your book. However, self publishing can be daunting too but it gives you the controls in your hand.

1.13. Choosing to self publish gives you options

1.13.1. Self publish your book and become a self publisher, become a independent publisher, (an Indy) which means you are now entering the self employment and an entrepreneur, find a printer, register your company, assign your ISBN and then get them in the distribution chain, getting your books to the shops and on-line stores.

1.13.2. You can self publish through MAPublisher who produce the book for you.

1.13.3. You can have your book assigned or un-assigned.

1.13.4. Assigned book means that the book will be registered with and ISBN.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit number that's used as a unique identifier for books. ISBN is used internationally.


1.14. When & Why would you want your book to be assigned?

If you want to go it alone and get your book out there in the global market and want to be free of administration of the chain of process, in short you just want copies when you need then receive royalties when sold, then this is when and why you'll have the book producer assign the number.

1.14.1. Your book will be registered and will enter the distribution chain globally. Your books will be printed on demand and will be purchasable through book shops and the on-line giants such as Amazon, Waterstones, and many others.

1.14.2. Un-assigned means without.

1.14.3. When & why would you want your book unassigned?

You produce the books for the sole purpose for you to send to the agencies with the hope that you are discovered by a publishing house.


1.14.4. Your book will not be registered and no ISBN will be assigned. You book will be unregistered (unlocked) for any agents wanting to take you on.


1.16. What books do MAP Publish?

1.16.1. You have completed your writing and you are excited and anxious at the same time, with the thought of, how do you get your book published?

1.16.2. Sure, the simplest way is to approach an agent of an established publishing house, get them to read your manuscript, offer you a deal and then wait for royalties to stream in. In an ideal world!

1.16.3. These days the percentage of manuscripts actually read by publishers – let alone offered a book deal – is dreadfully low, leaving many aspiring authors wondering how to publish a book. Self publishing has therefore become the only option for most

1.17. So what is involved in Self Publishing?

1.17.1. Self publishing is when you – the author –take on the roles that a publishing house would typically do – formatting, printing, marketing & distribution. Lets briefly outline what you would need to think about to get your book published, and how MAP can help.

1.18.    MAP’s Operational Process:

1.18.1.    Send a submission form

1.18.2.    You send your manuscript

1.18.3.    Send you information of Terms of reference (TORI)

1.18.4.    Your manuscript will be set in a template

1.18.5.    Automated typo check will take place on the work doc.  If you require professional copy editing, then that facility is available at your expense, it is a service purchased in, and this is currently @ 1p a word.

1.18.6.    I will ask for your images - once I get them, I will then process the images for the book and set them in. All images received will require individual attention, size resetting and colour balancing before inserting in to the book.

1.18.7.    In the meantime I will ask for the blurb or use the synopsis to put on the back page, also image for the front cover.

1.18.8.    Once all the information and images are received and have been typeset and layout in the book, you will receive your 1st draft and so on until approved.

1.18.9.    Once I receive your approved copy, I will assign an  ISBN number, generate a barcode that will be placed on your cover; your cover pages will be produced, which will have your title, blurb and the barcode, this I will send for your second approval.

1.18.10. Once you return the cover approved - we will be ready to go launch/publish.

1.18.11. Terms of reference agreement will be sent for you to sign before we publish.

1.18.12. Form 1 - At this point I will send you a “royalty distribution account information form,” (rdaif) this is to formally get details of where and how you want to receive your royalties. At this point you can consider what you want to do. You can have up to 80% max, 20% default retention of royalties. My charge is £800.00 for the project.

1.18.13. Form 2 (W-8ben) - I will send you a tax waiver form for the American based royalty distribution company, for their tax purpose, which needs to be uploaded along with your book file. You have to get your own tax information via your own accountant (this you don't have to act straight away, wait and see how the book performs).

1.18.14. The book will be registered. 

1.18.15. The digital file will be sent to the distribution for storage on their system for the purpose of "Print-on-demand," (POD). So when a person buys the book on-line from a website, the distribution company prints them out and ships it to the customer.

1.18.16. Once the on-line approval had been completed.  We have published.

1.18.17. Your book will be available immediately on-line through MAPublisher’s distribution company.  Simultaneously, your book will be submitted for “global reach,” to be made available with Amazon and its entire associate at Its discretion.  This process takes up to 10 weeks. Subject to availability to your book.

1.18.18. You will receive a complimentary seed copy from me if you have paid the full fulfilment fee.

1.18.18a. Our publishing journey for that book will be completed 100% at this point; whether you receive a seed copy or not.


2. Submission

2.1.         You will be invited to email your manuscript

2.2.         A submission form will be sent

2.3.         A digital folder will be created for you.

2.4.         The manuscript will be appraised in our template.

2.5.         You will be informed of the attention that it requires

2.6.         And your publishing options you would like MAP to fulfil for you.

2.7.         Map Structure flow chart


3. Offer of Service Summary

3.1.         I am a self-publisher (Mayar Akash, MA Publisher).

3.1a.       I am offering my know-how and providing a brokerage service to publish your book for you. I provide a service and not a product; and the service is to get your book information digitally to publish via the print on demand set up; so “registering your digital information for the public to have access to your work” is the service you employ me to do.

3.1b.       I will help and support you to pursue your book publishing journey; where I will provide and offer my expertise and services.

3.1c.       I am not a publishing house and as a result of that I cannot contractually, whether verbal or written accept the responsibility to be your “Agent or publicist” nor can I represent the book for you as your “Agent.


3.2.         However, I publish your book and I promote your book along with your name through any promotion of the book; will be part of MAP’s portfolio, genre selection promotion also with the same genre books.

3.2a.       All of this will be done within the existing network and all other unfolding networks that open up and arrive to MAPublisher.

3.3.         All publicity and promotion of all books in MAP’s portfolio are done at MAP’s discretion, expense, convenience and at no cost to the authors, and for which, MAP reserves all rights.

3.3.1.      You are incumbent to promote your own book too, as well as promote and you can use to promote MAP’s publicity and promotional material as a way of attachment or sharing.

3.3.1a.    You are responsible for your own publicity and promotional materials at your own expense, time and convenience.

3.4. In Map’s set up MAP is able to offer the following:

3.5. Assigned:

3.5.1.      MAP will get your book published like I have, assign an ISBN number, register your title and publish your book. This option by-passes the giants, and so begins sowing your book seed.

3.5.2.      The ISBN number being assigned to your book is owned by MAPublisher as do all those who publish books.

3.5.3.      In this case I am assigning you one of my own ISBN which costs individually £89.00 plus VAT each; to get your book out there in the public domain and this will become another addition to MAP’s catalogue and Portfolio.  3.5.3a.              It is this, being added to the catalogue and portfolio;

3.5.3b.    that enters the book in to the “Roll-on for life,” publicity and promotion, this is priceless.

3.5.3c.    It is also a lifelong relationship with the authors and vice versa.

3.6. Unassigned:

3.6.1.      To Produce your book, not assign an ISBN number, nor register the title, nor publish the book.  You will have a book equal to the one that would be published, so that you may send copies to the agents and also the publishing houses, such as Penguin, Harper Collins others.  This is a lengthy process. 

3.7. Fees:

3.7.1.      For both of the above option the full rate of £800.00 is payable for the service.

3.7.1b.    The cost of printing the books is separate

3.7. For the assigned option:

3.7.1.      This option is facilitated and made available through the “Writer’s Champion Imprint,” (WCI) where you can defer payment indefinitely with a “buyback,” facility.  WCI facility gives 80% of the royalty and MAP 20% if you pay upfront fees.

3.7.1a.    However, if you are not able to make that commitment then defer payment indefinitely and you will get 10% of the royalty, with the option to “buyback,” 70%; giving you a total of 80% for £800.00 of my fee.

3.7.2.      Subject to terms and conditions (this booklet)

3.8. For the unassigned option:

3.8.1.      50% or full, up front; or if you pay 50% then remainder when the book is approved, this includes liaising with printers getting your books printed.

3.8.1a.    the print cost of the book is separate.

3.9. What is included in Publication Fulfilment Package?

3.9.1.      We at MA Publisher have worked very hard to offer you, the Author, a comprehensive, affordable and quality alternative to all the too often frustrating world of conventional publishing. 

3.9.2.      We offer the following service to enable you to realise your dream of becoming a published Author.   Full Text typesetting of your document   Design your book cover   Choice of cover images   Hi res – typesetting of your text and cover   A PDF proof copy of your book   5x complimentary printed copies of your new book   An ISBN no.   Internal distribution – Via Amazon (Optional).   Wholesale distribution via Gardener, and Nielsen throughout UK & Global                Place in legal deposit with National Libraries                Ability to reorder your book                £800.00  


3.10.       For £800.00 you will receive all of the following: Paperback. Additional cost applies for hard back and dust cover books.

3.10.1.    Full text typesetting of your manuscript -
Professional typesetters will manually layout your book in high resolution, ready for print.

3.10.2.    Design your book cover online with our unique design module -
You can design your own cover online by choosing one of our images or your own design, and then add your text over the image.

3.10.3.    Choice of full-colour cover images -

Your book cover front, spine, back, and inside text, will be typeset in high resolution ready for print.

3.10.5.    A PDF proof copy of your book e-mailed to you prior to final printing


3.10.5a. Once we have finished typesetting your book, we will e-mail you a proof of it for approval prior to going to print.


3.11.       Complimentary printed copies of your new book -
3.11.5a. Upon receipt of your approval, your book will be sent to press and complimentary books will be with you within 2-3 weeks from publishing.

3.12.       An ISBN number - International Standard Book Number -
3.12a.     Your book will have its own ISBN number assigned – this will enable you to sell it via any bookstore or internet site.

3.13.       Internet distribution via Lulu. -
3.13a.     This will be registered on Amazon, so that it will be available for you or anyone to purchase via this site.

3.14.       Wholesale distribution via Gardeners and Nielsen’s throughout the UK
3.14a.     Your book will be available from these companies for maximum UK distribution coverage.

3.14b.     Your book will be available to be purchased online from stores such as for example WH Smith, Foyles, Waterstones, etc, tbc at the time.

3.15.       Your book will be placed on legal deposit with UK National Libraries -
3.15a.     Only applies if you did not pay the full fulfilment fee - You have to submit your book to six national libraries in the UK, as part of the legal deposit.

3.16.       Ability to reorder your book

3.16a.     Starting from just 1 copy! Print on demand allows you to order a book, one at a time if you like, from our website – simply log on, and place and order for 1 or more books

3.17.       If you don’t pay full the fulfilment fee and take on the facility, then the legal deposit cost will be yours and any additional copies you will order on your own accord.

3.18. Included within the fulfilment package are a whole host of promoting and publicity support as laid out in the Launch Publicity terms of reference information & Pre-launch Author Support Information, minimum value of £1000.00.

4. Drafting

4.1. Create draft from template

4.1a. Typesetting

Typesetting is the process of preparing your manuscript for printing – selecting fonts, layout etc. When we typeset your book, we will professionally layout your inside pages. We will take care of margins, page numbers, chapter headings, all spacing, indents etc. We will aim to make your book look as best as it can possibly be with our professional typesetters. This is all included in our £800 package. 

4.1b.       Set content

4.1c.       Legal page

4.1d.       Space and indent - layout

4.2.         Basic spell checks

4.3.         Cover images – design


How true is ‘never judge a book by its cover'? One thing that must never be underestimated in your journey to becoming a published author is the look of your book. Potential readers will not even take the book from the shelf if the front cover does not look enticing and professionally designed.


This is why we have built a unique Online Book Cover Design Module on our website. This module will allow you to design your cover with ease and simplicity. We have over 1000 high resolution images available for all our clients to use totally royalty free (included in the £800). You can choose any one of these pictures (we are constantly adding more each month) or you can even upload your own picture or design.


Once you have gone through the simple steps of designing your front and back cover, it is automatically sent to our professional designers, who will then duplicate it in high resolution ready for print. Should you have a specific requirement, such as a font that is not displayed, then simply contact us and we will do our best to help.


This fulfilment does not prepare a word document for the client unless you have ordered it, a separate charge applies on top the fulfilment fee.


A digital file is created and a watermarked PDF copy for approving is sent to you, the copy you approve is the copy for your record attached to the approving email.


This fulfilment is for creating a digital file for uploading to the Print on demand system to make your work available to the public to purchase. 


The created digital file is the property of MAPublisher unless expressly discharged in writing.

4.4. Book Cover

Your book needs a cover –that goes without saying – and a cover can make all the difference in terms of sales. For £800 you will have the control to design your cover. You can take the design to whatever level you feel you are capable, and then let our designers do the rest.  All our designers have worked for book publishing companies and are therefore fully aware of the guidelines and specifications required.


4.5.         Synopsis/blurb

4.6.         Spell & grammar check typos /Proofreading

4.6a. Proof reading and editing are available

4.6b. MA publisher help you self publish your book?


4.6c. We've been self publishing books for over 4 years and have become one of the leading Self Publishing companies in the UK. Many other publishing companies are following our style and attempting to match our prices. We are proud to clearly display our costs upfront on our website - and we have no hidden extras. Contact us today and speak to us direct - no call centres, no admin staff - real people who have published their own books and know how to help.


4.6d. You may wish to have your manuscript proofread by professional proofreaders, and we offer this service to our authors for an additional cost of 1 pence per word.

4.6e. Almost all writers recognise the benefits of having their work checked over by a professional or friend who has the required skills, for grammar, spelling, punctuation and general consistency of name spelling, locations etc. within their novel. We would suggest that in order to have your book presented in its best possible light, it should be checked over by someone other than you, the writer, prior to the production stage.

4.6f. Remember, you never know who will be reading your book once it is printed and available for sale, so you obviously don’t want to have your reader distracted by annoying little errors that could have easily been corrected before it was printed.

4.6g. Someone’s time in reading it and you would also like to be paid a reasonable return for the efforts that you have expended in writing and working on your story.

4.6h. If the above is not fundamentally correct, then you need to search your heart for your true motivations very carefully before proceeding any further. If, however, the above is a fair representation of your reasons for producing your work, then you have all the expertise necessary to be able to promote, sell and market your book.

4.6i. The first fundamental of selling anything is to believe in your product implicitly. The second is to know your product inside out. Who knows your book better than you, and who believes in it more than you do?

4.7. Terms of reference information (TORI) (this booklet)

4.7a. Q&As Provide information of service available (this booklet)

4.8. Book Publication Journey Procedure (BPJP) (this booklet)


5. Approving

5.1.         Send draft for approval

5.2.         Cover

5.3.         Approval flow chart accompanies the approval email.

5.3.1.      Approving will follow the flow chart process until approved.

5.3.2.      . If correction or change required then the digital file returns to default approving as illustrated on the flow chart – an revised draft will be sent for approval each time until approved.

6. Pre-Publication

6.1.      Cost

The pricing of your book is the same as the pricing of any commercial product in that it is very important. Both the retailer and the consumer must feel they are getting value for money, even though they are each viewing your book from opposite ends of the transaction.


If we take the retailer first, their decision on whether or not to stock and sell your book is a relatively easy one. Initially, they want to know if your book is a good read. Once they’ve determined that you have written a very readable and interesting book, they then want to see what profit there is for them if they sell some of your books.


Remember, retailers need to make a profit on everything they sell in order to stay in business. If by selling one of your books, they are making less money than they would by selling most other books, guess what their decision will be regarding stocking any copies of your book?


That might sound mercenary, but retailers are in business to make a profit – they are not charitable organisations!

6.2.      Books technical specification

Above is a sample

6.3.         This is to confirm the cost of printing your book is: £2.84.[Example]

6.4.      Pricing

You have to now consider how much you want to sell your books for?

£7.99 or £9.99, generally these are the main band of pricing.  I tend to price the books in the £7.99 band, so that is affordable to buy for the public.


You have a table breaking down the cost and fee, including different regions of the world.


I have also included a table how the royalty will be split under the current split ration of 10% to you and 90% to me.



Because we are global the books are also priced for sale in the following regions:

·         USA

·         Europe

·         Canada

·         Australia


Books that are ingested into Amazon, they then included it in their regions, and they price it according to the currency conversion rate.


Other areas the books are known to be marketing:

India, China, Russia, Taiwan, Japan and others.


Price determination

The beauty of this process and service is that you get through MAPublisher’s Publication Brokerage Services are that you are in control of how you want to shape the books journey.


Once the book is completed and registered with the ISBN number in the National/International database and in the British Library catalogue, it is up to you how you want to get your books to the customers.


You have the full control to do it yourself or use an on-line distribution chain, and or you can have both.


Do it yourself, as in handle the printing and distribution process.

When a customer wants a copy of your book, you will post it to the customer direct or the shop they ordered through. This way you are 100% in control, 100% of labour and admin, 100% control of the price, quality and service. 


You have 100% choice of how much profit you want to make, at least enough money to cover costs and expense.


The second option to leave it with the Distribution chain and they will do it for you, for that they will take a fee.  After the sale, after deductions, the profit from the book is paid to your account subject to their terms and conditions.


You have a say in the retail price you want but a minimum cost is set by the distribution company to cover the cost & fees.


So via this set up you do not have a say on the cost of furnishing the book, which is indicative of the cost and fee chain.

6.5.      Royalties

You rightly want to be paid for your time, creativity and perseverance in taking your book from an idea to a rough draft to a manuscript and finally to an edited, rewritten and possibly re-edited manuscript.


What is an average royalty for an author?


Like most things in life, to get to an average of anything, there are highs and lows to be considered.


A best-selling author will obviously command a larger royalty percentage than a first-time novelist with no track record as to the saleability of their work. Another important factor in determining the wholesale price of your book (and therefore your royalty percentage) is the cost of printing.


We utilise two printing methods, print-on-demand (see print-on-demand section) for small print runs of 50 books or less and conventional litho printing for print runs of 100 copies and more.


Here are some examples of what royalties you can expect to achieve and what retail prices you would need to charge to attain those royalties for both printing methods.

6.5.1    Co-edition royalties

As previously mentioned, picture books in the UK are very dependent upon publishers selling American and foreign language co-editions. Therefore, it is important to note on the contract what the author’s share of any such co-edition deals will be. These generally fall under two categories in the contract:

·               If the UK publisher prints for the foreign publisher, the books are usually sold for a fixed price per copy as ‘royalty inclusive’ and the author’s and artist’s share will be expressed as a percentage of the publisher’s price received. These deals help to get the book published by bringing the unit cost down and they begin the process of earning out the advance.

·               US and foreign language sales also fall under the heading of subsidiary rights. In this case, the UK publisher may or may not print the books, but the US or foreign publisher will have agreed to pay an advance and royalty for the right to sell the book in their territory (a ‘royalty exclusive’ deal). The author’s and artist’s share in this instance shouldn’t be less than 50% and it could be much more. If a book is particularly sought after by foreign or US publishers, such a royalty exclusive deal could mean that the original UK advance is earned out immediately.


6.5.2    Royalty & Fulfilment Fee

a.       Under the Writer’s Champion Imprint (WCI)

b.       You have the option to have 80% of the royalties from your book on Print on Demand system.

c.        This is available because this is “Self publishing,” as MAPublisher is self publishing.


d.       For my service my current charge/fulfilment fee is £800.00 to get your publication launched and ready for people to buy.


e.        Retention of 20% by default


f.        The ISBN number is MAP’s property and one will be used to publish your book. As a result of the ISBN being MAP’s asset and property MAP retains maximum of 20%, and releases 80% to the writer/author upon payment of the fulfilment fees currently £800.00. 


g.        If the author/writer take the “indefinite deferment option,” and pays no fulfilment fee then the author will be assigned 10% of the royalties at MAP’s discretion; this assignment is not implying or undertaking any “agent or a publishing house duties, for the book or the writer/author,”


h.       So if you took the deferment option then after registration, for £800.00 you can “buyback,” 70% of the royalties, giving you a total 80%.

i.         If you “buyback” after the book has been published then there will be additional admin charge to update the system, £35.00 anytime after registration, per “buyback” payment, subject to inflation and VAT.


6.5.3    Fulfilment fee/Royalty Split

a.       MAPublisher Basic fulfilment fee is £800.00 to undertake each project. With consideration to people like me who always wanted to publish but never found a way to get into publishing.


b.       Here is a table from the Writer’s Champion Unique feature (WCUF). This feature is for only one time to help launch a writer who want to self publish.


c.        This only applies to the print on demand sales on-line.



% to you


Legal deposit



£100/one off/\Dis.

10% Discretionary







































revised 04.02.2023

d.       Whichever level you start with, under the WCUF you can increase your rate by “Buyback” your percentage by paying the original/default administration/fulfilment fee/charge.


e.        There is an administration fee to process the “Buyback,” after the publication.


f.        The rate of the administration/fulfilment fee of £800 is fixed and will not change for this order.


g.        There additional cost incurred based on the finish of the book.






Cover finish

Dust cover

Print on cover

Hot stamping






















































Hot stamping


















Hot stamping


Subject to change based on the bespoke needs and size of the book


6.6.      Example Print on Demand Cost Analysis




Retail Price



Retailer Commission

£ 4.00

£ 6.80


£ 6.00


Costs of printing *

£ 3.72

£ 8.02

Author royalty

£ 2.28

£ 2.17


6.10.    Assets

6.10.1.    You will be the owner of the following asset.

6.10.2.    The satisfaction of "aspiration accomplishment,"

6.10.3.    Your book

6.10.4.    The title of the book

6.10.5.    Your name deposited along with your book in the British Library and 5 other libraries.

6.10.6.    Your book will have its own page on the web.

You will have link for your book

6.11.       MAP Asset

6.11.1.    All books published by MAPublisher and its imprints form the portfolio. Your book will get ingested in the portfolio and asset.

6.11.2.    ISBN number is an asset

6.11.3.    The information assigned to the ISBN becomes asset through assignment

6.12.       MAP Catalogue

6.12.1.    All books published are ingested in the main catalogue; the catalogue gets updated each time a book is published.

6.12.2.    This catalogues is printed, published, inserted in future published books; either in whole or genre based.

6.12.3.    The Catalogue is a Roll-on catalogue

6.13        Pre-publication phase

a.       Now that the book content and the cover is completed and approved, the next step is to sort out all the paperwork required to successfully publish the book.

b.       Following steps are to ensure you are in control of the process, taking informed decisions and manage expectations.


c.        You will receive the following shortly:


d.       W-8BEN form: to be completed for the registration of the book with the

e.        LULU, who are the distribution and digital file holder and the revenue handler for MAPublisher.

f.        All revenue receivers have to complete it for their tax purposes. (see notes supplied)


g.        Confirming the cost of manufacturing the book & book technical specifications.

h.       Setting the retail price of the book – where you need to give instruction for your retail price.


i.         Confirming the royalty as will be split by the revenue distributor.


j.         Authors rate – to buy


k.       Terms of reference – once you have responded to 2-5, then 6 and 7 will be finalised and sent.


l.         Once this stage is completed, the next stage is “Publication phase,” for which I will send you the relevant information.

m.     Final stage will be “Post launched phase,”

n.       ensuring that you know where you are?

o.       what you have?

p.       And what happens next.

7. Pre-Launch

7.1.         ISBN Assignment

7.1.1       MAP ISBN Assignment certificate

7.2.         Royalty Distribution Account set up form

7.1. ISBN Numbers

a.       In order to sell your printed book it needs an ISBN – International Standard Book Number.

b.       All of our books are assigned with the latest 13 digit ISBN number.

c.        Should you ever change your book from paperback to hardback; a new ISBN number will have to be added. 

d.       If your book title changes or the authors name changes, then a new ISBN number must be assigned to your book.

e.        ISBN Information (International Standard Book Number)


f.        The International Standard Book Number is a numeric commercial book identifier which is intended to be unique.

         i.            Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency.

        ii.            An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation of a publication.


g.        As a self publisher I have purchased a number of ISBN numbers for the purpose of publishing my own books. 

         i.            These numbers now belong and are assigned to me/MAP.

        ii.            I now assign a book to each one of them as they come along and go to publish for myself, and also assign other people’s work for a fee.


h.       As an assigned option part, the brokerage service gets your book into publication; I assign a number to your book.

i.         Once registered: your book, its content and its details along with your name is assigned to it and on record with the central database.


j.         While MAPublisher owns the ISBN. 

         i.            You own your work, you own the copyright.

        ii.            Your copyright is protected till 75 years after your death.

k.       In order for MAP to facilitate the publication of your book you have given me consent to get your book to publication,

         i.            to make it available and accessible for the public to buy,

        ii.            via the “print on demand,” (POD) system

      iii.            that is facilitated by a third party for me.



How ISBN works with MAP




Created: 27.3.2022

*Subject to change, T&C

Right, we have connected through word of mouth, recommendation. I offer my self publishing know-how to get your book launched.

2.       The aspect that legally/authoritatively says in my opinion that you are published is via an ISBN but this isn’t the only aspects, but certainly rooting/anchoring of your book part is.

3.       I, as a self publisher providing you my service to launch your book,

a.       will use one of my ISBN,

b.       to get you over the threshold and launch/publish your book.

4.       Now, this ISBN is owned 100% by me and it belongs to me and is not transferred over to you at anytime.

a.       I am assigning your book details and your name to one of the ISBN.

b.       Then I formally register the assigned details with the administrator of the ISBN, who is the Nielsen’s group.

c.        I am the publisher registered with them and your details are added to my account.

5.       Once the ISBN is registered the assigned information is locked in with that ISBN and it is perpetual.

a.       Once your book is registered it is not transferable or deleteable –

b.       it will remain in the Nielsen’s database.


6.       When you choose the assign service and pay me for fulfilling your publishing,

a.       the fee for the ISBN is included and you get 80% share of the royalties that comes from selling your book through the on-line print on demand publishing service. 

7.       This does not mean you have 80% share of the ISBN,

a.       I am the owner and it is my property and own it 100%.

b.       By default I retain 20% share of the royalty for letting you use my ISBN to launch you and your book. 


8.       Now, here is where my philanthropy comes in, where, and if, you are unable to pay me my administration/fulfilment fee/cost.

a.       If are unable to pay anything, then I give you 10% share and I hold 90% share from the sales of the books.

b.       Why do I do that?

c.        To launch and publish the book for you otherwise no fee no work no publishing

d.       Because this is the philanthropic aspect of my service, taking no advance fees/cost to get your book launched, I still give you 10% so that you get to experience the publishing and fulfilment of your aspiration.

9.       As you will know that you can pay me my administration/fulfilment fee/cost and get the intended 80% share of the royalty of the book.


10.    I have made it available and possible to publish your book through me 100% through my tailored service; nothing happens without you accepting the terms attached to the facilities.

11.    It works out £10.00 per shares, overall £800.00.

12.    Cost of a single ISBN is £89.00 +Vat (currently)


For your information (FYI).


1.       All royalty monies are handled and processed by the distribution company on behalf of MAPublisher (MAP).

2.       MAP does not handle any money from the sales of the book.


3.       All monies are paid in to a holding account integrated into their banking & automated account system. 

4.       Once a threshold is achieved £5.00 minimum for PayPal account clients; and $20.00 threshold for postal cheque clients.


5.       Cheques are paid out for those who do not have a paypal account. 

a.       The minimum amount a cheque is paid out is for $20.00.

b.       Cheques are issued in $ dollars,

c.        the value of the amount in pounds is dependent on the conversion rate or currency of the time.

6.       The royalty payment cycle is monthly,

a.       if you don't meet the threshold then the balance will roll over to the next and so on until, the threshold is achieved.


7.       This is done automatically - so MAP does not undertake or commit to providing regular updates.



1.       There is no refund of money paid for services employed,

a.       any service undertaken/provided: is man power/man hour spent and resources used to execute the service.

2.       If no fee has been paid to employ MAP’s services then there no product or service to return,

3.       Any digital file/image created will become the property of MAPublisher and copyright of that creation will belong to MAPublisher and its designer.

4.       Copyright of the original writing and image supplied remains uncontested by MAPublsher.



Because you are self publishing the copyright and licensing of it is yours, there is no reversion to have. However, because you published your book through MPBS’s account and asset, there will be a cancellation fee to pay.


MPBS shall assign the rights if the publishing company is sold.

MPBS will endeavour to inform the author/assigned at least a degree of control over the book’s destiny if the publishing company runs into trouble


In the event MAPublisher cease, the Print on demand set up will continue as managed by the Fulfilment agent, currently being LULU.

In the event Lulu ceases trading before MAPublisher folding, MAPublisher will inform the clients/authors of remedy/remedies.

Remedy 1: to assign the digital files to another fulfilling company and continue as normal, disruption will be kept to minimum, MAPublisher reserves the right to the remedy the fulfilment company provides with our disrupting the arrangement with the MAP’s clients/authors with our informing the clients/authors.

Payment & Sale

In any event MAPublisher ceases trading for whatever reason, the on-line sale and the royalty distribution will not be effected and it will continue as normal,  sales and royalties are all dependent on the authors/clients promoting their books. Sales are dependent on clients promoting their books, there is no guarantee of sale from promoting the books. Rinse & Repeat.


Electronic or ebook rights

MPBS does not cater for electric or ebooks, the writer can pay for the digital file and have it created by a third party. The cost of purchasing of the digital file outright is found in the cost schedule.


The author has the final say/approves/supply the blurb, jacket and cover design. The author does proof checking and has enough time to check those proofs.


Prohibited Content

MAP wants you to feel free to express yourself and your ideas in your work. That said, there are certain guidelines in place to keep MAP a safe and friendly environment. Please use the guidelines below. 

If any of the work you create contains the following types of content we will not publish.

·         Pornography and Sexually Explicit Content

·         Copyrighted or Plagiarized Content

·         Gruesome or Excessive Violence

·         Illegal or Harmful Content

·         Profanity

Data Protection

Your information is stored digitally as well as hard copies in your file.

Only the W-8ben & the W9 forms are for the third party, party being Lulu, to process you receiving revenue through MAP’s account.

Your national insurance number is used to identify you as this is unique to you.


1.      You own your Copyright 100%.


2.       For assigned books:

a.       You give MAPublisher 100% publishing,

b.       reproduction and

c.        printing & reprint rights


3.       Also note, a creation of the book/digital file,

a.       the design and layout of the book/template/digital file that contains your work has its own copyright, the file generated by MAPublisher belongs to Mayar Akash a.k.a., MAPublisher

b.       so while you have copy right of the content,

c.        you do not own the copyright of the book template,

d.       design and layout and

e.        all other technical aspect of the book.



So here

For unassigned books: You paid MAPublisher & Printing Service to create and produce the digital file for the purpose of printing the book for you. The MPBS retains the ownership of the file and hold it on file. The content copyright is of the creator. This digital file can be purchased at the set rate, see costs.


Also note, people ask this about copyright, re-using/re-publishing work that has already been published elsewhere:


  Imagine the work you just had published is like a piece of cake.

Now that you have served the cake and it has been ingested (published),

 you then can’t take that slice of cake that has been eaten (ingested/published),and serve it to someone else. 

You have to serve a fresh slice each time.


Moral rights

The work that you are licensing/sub-licensing/publishing is your work 100%, you as the author can assert your moral rights, provided it 100% your own work.


Subsidiary rights

As the self publisher you retain your rights.



The writer will indemnify MAPublisher and the imprints.  The writer will have obtained all licenses and paid all fees to third party materials used.  MAP will by default deem that this was done before employing the services of MPBS.


Logos & Imprint

All books published will have the logo/imprint label printed on the cover of the book, the dust cover/Jacket/Sleeves and the inside cover page.

The logos are positioned on the main cover page in three places, front, Spine and back and on the inside cover page.

·         Front cover: - the it is located on the “Top right hand corner”

·         Spine: - “Bottom” of the spine 1-2cm above

·         Back cover: - Bottom left hand corner”

·         Inside cover: - “Bottom Middle” under the Authors name.


Legal Deposit

1.       Legal deposit of the books.

2.       The fulfilment fee paid in full covers the cost of production of the books and then posting them to the Agency and the British library.


3.       This is a legal requirement for the publisher.


4.       If you don’t pay in full, then the cost and administration is passed on to you to cover as a condition of publishing your book and you promise to pay and post the books, in recognition for the service provided. This is transfer of cost for legal deposit is indicative of not paying fulfilment fee by you; and it is default when you don’t pay the full fulfilment fee.


5.       Here is the link, please familiarise yourself.


6.       1x copy is required to be sent to the British Library


7.       The address to send:

8.       The British Library Legal Deposit Office Boston Spa, Wetherby West Yorkshire LS23 7BY.


9.       Here is the link, please familiarise yourself.


10.    5x copies to the Legal Deposit Agency, who will then distribute to the five libraries:

11.    The address is:

12.    Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries Unit 21 Marnin Way Edinburgh EH12 9GD

Pre-Launch Publicity

1.       We are now in pre-launch stage of your book. This is the start of many things for the book and for you.


2.       This is the other side of publishing your book, the business side; the entrepreneurial side


3.       Of many areas:

         i.            Publicity and promotion are big, getting your book,

        ii.            the title and your brand [Brand development] out there in the public arena;

      iii.            to attract attention to the book,

      iv.             build awareness and convert them into sales.


       v.            So for that, we have the following advocative suggestions:

a.       Press

b.       Tradition publicity in the local & national newspapers are still methods of getting your work and brand noticed.

c.        Media

d.       It is possible then to have TV commercials and interviews on the local TV and radio stations.

e.        Press Release

f.        As part of the process – there is a PR template where by the information is produced to send to all media outlets letting them know that you have launched your book.


4.       Emailing

         i.            This is a traditional way of networking; attach it to your email,

        ii.            have your Email Campaign.

      iii.            This is something at your fingertip and it is relatively free.

      iv.            You are immediately equipped with the details of the book and the link to the web page,

       v.            you can have a press release and any digital flyers to attach and send to your list of people.


5.       On-line presence

         i.            This is instance and global when you put all things together –

        ii.            such as the web page of your book,

      iii.            the social media,

      iv.            the Google search engines and also how all the on-line sites that hold your book and brand –

       v.            present it in that part of the world.


6.       Web page/site

         i.            Once the book has been registered and launched on the POD system/chain – your book will get an instant web page – for it to start working from go.

        ii.            This is the anchor for you to get your book link sent and promoted by you and anyone on your team.

      iii.            It is only limited based on your limitations.


7.       Blog page

         i.            Another aspect of the on-line service,

        ii.            this lets you engage with your clients. 

      iii.            Here you can have deeper and engaging dialogue and promote your book and brand.


8.       Social Media:

         i.            In today’s world and market it is important to be connected and have social media accounts as well as have basic know-how.

        ii.            Social media is our gateway to the internet/virtual reality world,

      iii.            it is global,

      iv.            alive and active;

       v.            we need to accept that is our reality.

      vi.            It is not easy,

    vii.            but there are many services available to assist.

   viii.            Following are a list of social media platforms that are used for business:

a.       Twitter

b.       Youtube

c.        Facebook

d.       Instagram

e.        And many others

f.        On-line influencers

      ix.            It would be great to identify people in amongst your friends as well as in your genre who are an influencer and have a large following.

       x.            They will get your product and brand out to a wider community.


9.       Secondary Promotion

         i.            Once your book is ingested,

        ii.            the company will promote your books on their sites and platforms;

      iii.            and also farm it out to their associates. 

      iv.            It is beneficial to take stock and also use them to increase your brand awareness.

10.    Rinse and Repeat

         i.            This is a term used on-line to repeat and continue to promote your brand through all things that are available to you –

        ii.            such as each on-line site that promotes or holds your book –

      iii.            it is your opportunity to promote your brand with a different name and endorsement;

      iv.            thus giving you and your brand acceptance and credibility.


11.    Reviews

         i.            Asking your readers/purchaser to give you a review.

        ii.            These reviews are diamond for your book and your brand –

      iii.            they are human generated –

      iv.            this is endorsement other people who have purchased and read your book.  This is in itself a huge credit to you and your work –

       v.            your work was good enough for someone to pay money to purchase your book.


12.    Book signing/Launch Party

         i.            This is a social event where people get to speak and meet,

        ii.            engage with you;

      iii.            where you will have the opportunity for personalised signing.

      iv.            This will take organising and arranging.


13.    Print Media

         i.            MAPublisher has a whole host of exclusive packages for printing materials.

        ii.            It provides special prices to assists and supports its authors.

a.       Flyers

b.       Book markers

c.        Business cards

d.       Roller banners

e.        Banners

f.        Posters & much more

g.        Merchandising

      iii.            Traditional promotional items are always a plus to getting your work and brand out there. So the following items MAP provides through partners.

a.       Mugs

b.       T. Shirts

c.        Caps

d.       Tote Bags

e.        Cushions

f.        Coaster

g.        Fridge magnets and much more


14.    Computer Aided Designs (CAD)

         i.            This is a service that you use to have your adverts and promo information created.

        ii.            You can create it yourself on your computer or have it done for you.


15.    Bulk Printing

         i.            We provided bulk printing for minimum of 100 copies to 1000s+.

        ii.            Bulk printing is cost effective and for planning your long term campaign.



Auxiliary services


And then of course, your book needs printing. We can print colour books throughout if required.

Facility to buy books at Author’s rate.

You are able to buy through MAPublisher @ the cost rate of £2.84 plus 20% handling fees, also post and packaging of £3.75 per book.  There is bulk discount on postage minimum 10+. A quote/invoice will be provided. [example]

So you can get books through MAPublisher to your door at £3.05+£3.25 P&P = £6.30.  [example]

When you buy through MAPublisher, there are no royalties.

If you sell the book at retail price £7.99, you make a profit of £1.69. You keep 100% of the profit you make.

If you buy through the channels, lulu then you will get Royalties as broken down in the tables.  You will pay £7.99/9.99 + £3.74 P&P.

Bulk printed.

If you go for large volume print through a traditional litho printer then the delivery charge is factored in the quote.

A quote will be given.

Change of address and alteration:

Minimum admin charge will apply on £35.00 per hours, (VAT when applicable) change, alter or update name and address.

















MPBS Service

1.       Administration

2.       Account

3.       ISBN


1. When you take up my service, I use my expertise, experiences and knowledge to get your book published. I put your book together is a digital book format; I create your cover and produce your art work.  I fulfil the process as listed on the “Journey.”


2. In order to get your book out into the public domain, I use my own account, the gateway to the other side.  This part is a bulk of the service and facility you need.  The account gives you: Print on demand industry and system, holds your digital file in storage so when a customer or you wish to have a copy they will print the book and send it to you or the customer, anywhere in UK and in USA.

The account/Lulu also processes the money from the sale of the book and then divide the profit and then hold it in account, until the minimum threshold is made, £5 for PayPal account holder and £20, cheque by post to the address registered; it is up to you keep MPBS updated with your new address. This will cost £35.00 administration fee to update the whole system.


3. Registering your book with an ISBN is the formal part of the publishing the book. ISBN is the gateway to the database and the Law of the land, the book then has to be legally deposited to the 6 libraries of the country.


I use one of my own ISBN’s to complete the process for you. ISBN is owned and registered to Mayar Akash (MAPublisher).


Your information of the book and the technical data and you are assigned to the ISBN and registered; this information is locked with that ISBN and it can never be changed.


The ISBN is not transferable. So by you paying the administration/fulfilment fee do not transfer the ownership of the ISBN. However, it gives you 80% share of the profit if you paid the full amount. MA retains 20% profit share from his property. A schedule of the profit split based on the amount you paid is laid out.


There is no Reversion of this ISBN and the book published, but you can cancel at a fee of £1,200( +vat when applicable) until this is satisfied the book will continue to be available on-line and for sale and you will receive your share, unless you express it in writing that you no longer wish to receive it.


1.      Timeframe

2.       The time frame for publishing a book can be subjected depending on the quality and quantity of words, and images.  The turnaround is also dependent on the writer’s respond to matters and also 3rd party illustrators or legal matters, such as copyright matters with 3rd party.

3.       All paid services are prioritised.


4.       All unpaid work will be in a queue and the time frame will change to reflect the work load.


5.       All unpaid project will have to cover the cost of sending books for legal deposit.


1.       An annual statement for your book is available on request.

2.       Please make your request 1 month in advance.

3.       The annual statement will be free of charge.

4.       And it will be sent to you through the email you made the request with.

5.       The information will come as a MS Excel spread sheet


6.       If you need additional statements whenever you need them via an email request, there is an admin fee.

7.       The fee is set at £35.00 + Vat*, each additional time.

8.       The information will be whatever “currently” available on account or indicate the period you seek (past only).

9.       An invoice will be sent after the request is made.

10.    All requests will be process after the fee is paid in full.  


Handling Fee

1.       Handling charge = Fee = Royalty = Commission – MAP’s Default rate: 20%

2.       When you are purchasing books through MAPublisher, whether single or bulk book there is a “handling charge”.

3.       When the distribution company – pays MAPublisher the percentage of the royalties, then it is “royalties/commission”.

4.       When MAPublisher processes your order to purchase/acquire copies of your books outside the “print on demand chain,” to supply you; where no royalties are paid out, MAP’s fees are applied; a flat rate of 20% default and that is subject to change and at MAP’s discretion; even though a 10/90 ration has been set.

5.       These fees are subject to rolling inflation rate as well as tax and VAT.  At this moment in time no VAT is levied but that is subject to change of business circumstance, VAT will be added if and when it becomes applicable.

Post & Packaging

1.       Postage and packaging is determined by Royal mail and the distribution company.  All books are delivered in brown card. Large qualities are delivered in boxes. These books whether single or multiple, they are packaged in card board, and as such they become small parcels or large letter.

2.       Discount, the postage and packaging goes down on/when higher volumes are ordered through Print on demand. You will have to ask at the time of quote.


MAPublisher Catalogue

1.       MAP includes all books produced and published in the catalogue which then is adjusted, altered according to the genres and the publicity campaign.


2.       MAP has their central catalogues that are updated and permanent record all books published whether assigned or not with an ISBN.


3.       All non paid books will have roll on publicity and the catalogue included in the back and any other part at MAP’s discretion.

W.C.I - Unique Features

1.       Indefinite deferment & Buyback


2.       Under the “Writer’s Champion Imprint,” (WCI) provides an “indefinite deferment of that fee” and “Buyback,” option.


3.       Payment deferment

         i.            People who are unable to pay or those who want to test the market first, have the option to defer the payment,

        ii.            all writers are assigned 10% of the royalty and 90% to MAP. 

      iii.            This is only available one time,

      iv.            the first time publishing, ever.


4.       This only applies to the print on demand sales on-line.


% to you


























5.       BuyBack

         i.            under WCI’s facilitation –

        ii.            you can “buyback,”

      iii.            the royalty percentage of your book which you deferred at the start of the project.


6.       So you can pay the full fee and get maximum of 80% share of the royalty

         i.            or if you defer

        ii.            you can “buyback,”

      iii.            in increments.


7.       Buyback will only happen after the book is registered and launched. 

         i.            This “buyback” will only happen because you did not pay the full fee at the time;

        ii.            before the ISBN registration of your book. 

      iii.            All buyback transaction will incur administration cost minimum of £35.00 (subject to inflation).

8.       All costs and prices are subject to change in-line with inflation. 

9.       All rights are reserved.

10.    Please note, the “buyback” fee is not subjected to royalties earned,

         i.            the royalties earned since the publication of the book cannot be considered or be used as a deduction of the fulfilment fee,

11.    nor is earning royalties guaranteed.

12.    Otherwise you control all of your publication journey with your book.

13.    In proceeding with the publication means,

         i.            that you have read and understood the “buyback” terms.

Marketing your book

1.       Firstly, let’s look at why you should market your book. As you are self-publishing your manuscript, you are responsible for the actual marketing of your book, so if you don’t do it, no one will!

2.       “But I don’t like selling and I have never sold anything to anyone in my life,” I hear you say.

3.       Don’t worry, almost all authors, whether they’re self-published or not, have been and probably will always be in the same boat as you. You are a writer and not a salesperson. However, the best person to promote your work is you.

4.       You obviously believe your book is of some value because you have spent hours upon hours writing, rewriting and editing it to make the story, characters and settings of as much interest to the reader as you can. You have then spent more time and money trying to get literary agents and publishers to read your book in order to have your work published. The reason you want your book published is because you feel that what you have written is worth it.

Marketing Package

Information on available request

Publicity & promotion

1.       Though MAP does not make contractual agreement to take on publicity or promotion of the individual book or author.


2.       MAP has its own roll-on service, where all books published assigned or unassigned are included. 

3.       All book are included in MAP's central catalogue.


         i.            The is genre targeted publicity and promotion-

  1. Catalogues included in future books of same genre.
  2. Social media posts -
  3. Blog posts
  4. Press release
  5. Radio and TV promo.
  6. Various events and endorsements.


Additional information

1.       Assets:

  1. When your book is assigned with an ISBN no., you will be the owner of the following asset.
  2. The satisfaction of "aspiration accomplishment,"
  3. Your book
  4. The title of the book
  5. Your name deposited along with your book in the British Library and 5 others
  6. Your book will have its own page on the web.
  7. You will have link for your book



Auxiliary Service:


1.                   Bulk printing books - I am able to provide bulk printing, minimum 50 copies.  Service available on request.

2.                   Publicity and promotion stationary - Support all author with printing service, hell of a lot cheaper than local printer.

3.                   Leaflets, Flyers, Book dividers, Posters, T-shirts, Banners and more (art work supplied).

4.                   Photography Service – Photo shoot for the book.

5.                   Computer Aided Design service - design any artwork to support the book.

6.                   Image bank: Offer royalty free images for use with design and other purposes.

7.                   I hope I have covered all for you, if there is something you think of, please let me know and I will do my best to address it.


Book for agent service

1.       We provided an unassigned fulfilment service to send to agents.

                     i.            Create the digital file (your book) with no ISBN registered, so it is open.

                    ii.            We provide a list of agents.


Administer books to agents

1.       We can administer your books to agents,

                     i.            with the books provided and a covering letter,

                    ii.            we will label the envelopes,

                  iii.            get them stamped and post them for you.

                  iv.            Pack the envelopes

a.       -book

b.       -covering letter

                   v.            Print covering letter with agent’s address

a.       Hold letter template on file

b.       Print label for envelope & stick

c.        Stamp the envelope

d.       Post the package

                  vi.            You will supply:

a.       Books

b.       Covering letter (digital format)

c.        Envelopes

d.       Stamps/Postage (Small package rate)


a.       MAPublisher promises and over delivers at its discretion and is no way to be taken that it is part of any contract whether written or verbal.

b.       So if you haven’t paid or asked for it and you got more than you thought or imagined, then you just benefited from the discretion,

c.        there is no guarantee that it will be repeated or the discretion will continue.

d.       All rights are reserved by MAPublisher, its imprints and MPBS.


Error and omissions

a.       This is a working document and it is being revised and re-evaluated continuously,

b.       always ask for the latest revision of this booklet.

c.        No responsibility will be accepted for error consequences arising from use or reference to out dated Terms of reference & Conditions booklet.

d.       Revised one will always replace the previous one,

e.        It is your responsibility to get an updated one before commencing.



*Please note it is not our aim or objective to get to a point where a publication to get cancelled.


1.       In any event where the publication is to be cancelled. There is a provision put in place to facilitate that.


2.       There is a fee/payment to cancel the publication; the fee currently stands at £1,200.00 per publication.

a.       VAT is not applicable at the time of drawing this up, but will be applicable when MAP becomes

b.       VATable; this information will be updated as and when.


3.       Cancellation will only happen after the fee has been paid in full.

4.       Cancellation of the publication - will retire the digital file from the fulfilling company after that no books will be sold online.

a.          This does not include any purchased books sold on Amazon or other place, whether on-line or in book shops.


5.       What cancelling is unable to do is re-set the system; it won’t erase the book information along with your name, this information will be available, searchable.


6.       Your information from the ISBN (Nielsen’s) data based will NOT be erased, this is etched in to the database.


7.       Once the book is cancelled, the ISBN (Nielsen’s) will be updated to inform them that the book is now cancelled. This will update the system and will state that the book is “unavailable” when your book information is searched for in the public domain. [update takes 48 hours to update the data base, it may take longer for the update in the public realm (on-line stores)]


8.       Your book deposited in “Legal deposit” will remain with the libraries and will be made available as the per Legal deposits requirements/Criteria.



9.       Cancellation fee, is, as way of compensating for the work undertaken,

a.       and loss of any future earnings,

b.       length of time servicing you and your books,

c.        subsequent free time given to mentoring and educating you in the field.


10.    The cancellation fee is not deductable to any fulfilment fees paid previously or any royalties earned during.


11.    The cancellation fee is non negotiable.


12.    In a dispute of working out the formula for compensation fee for loss of earnings:

1 x 12 x75=


1 Retail price of the book being cancelled x 1 per month, 12 months in a year x the copyright period of the book, as it stands life of the author and then 75 years after the death of the author. We are using 75 years after the death of the author to simplify the calculation. Should this formula me disputed then we will add the living years of the author from the date of the publication of the book. After working that figure we have come to a reasonable sum as stated in section 2 of cancellation.



1.       When dispute arises please write in your dispute, clearly, concisely and number them.


2.       While every effort has been taken to manage expectations and provide clarity and transparency; dispute may arise in the form of further clarifications.


3.       We will deal with all disputes with respect and preserving dignity and integrity.


4.       We will take responsibility if we have not been able to manage the expectations from the start.


5.       Dispute formula for compensation fee, see section 12 of the Compensation.



1.       Please note and be aware, do not put messages or reviews

a.        negative,

b.       derogative and

c.        defaming, in the public domain.


2.       If you do this then this will become a legal matter.

a.       You will be responsible and required to take I down


3.       If you get other party to defame then you will be held responsible.

a.       You will be responsible and required to take I down


4.       If third party defaming and this becomes known to you, you will be responsible to challenge it, and where possible to take it down.


Pen Name

1.       Also known as “plume de nom”


2.       Please do your own due diligence regarding usage of a pen name.


3.       Your registration with MAPublisher will be with your real name

Due Diligence

1.       To do your own due diligence on all aspects the service you are employing MAPublisher, as well

2.       Industry standards and regulations before employing MAPublisher service.

3.       MAPublisher only gives information and advice on MAPublisher and does not present or represent the industry.

Law & Legal matter

1.       All matter formal and legal will be in line with the English law of Britain and United Kingdom.


2.                   All matter will be dealt with the English courts.

Your Key features:

1.       MAP is a self publisher and provides services to writers/Authors to self publish.

2.       MAP and its Imprint is/are not an agency, nor act or purport to act as any agent, for the book or the writer/author.

3.       Your book is published, as far as launching your book to publication for the general public and trade to purchase them on-line and in the shop via the on-line Print on Demand (POD) system.

4.       Your book and information about, including your name will be included in the MAPublisher Portfolio and catalogue; through the promotion and publicity of the catalogue and portfolio, that your book and your details will be circulated thus promoted; This is a roll-on promotion and publicity cycle, and every title will be featured based on the theme of the publicity and promotion; solely at MAP’s discretion and at no cost to the writer/author, and all rights are reserved.

5.       The cost for this service is set at £800.00 and is offered under the Writer’s Champion imprint.

6.       The fee is charged and is applicable for the service rendered. The payment under the Key feature of “Writer’s Champion (WC) Imprint – provide the facility to “indefinitely/permanently defer” the payment; provided the book is on sale; withdrawing the book from sale for whatever reason after it has been registered and on-line for sale; fee will be payable by customer or their agent; before taking it out of commission; fee is payable irrespective of royalties received.

7.       Writer’s champion goes further to support the writer by offering to sell up to 80% of the royalties from the book sales; when payment for service rendered is paid in full; WC unique feature.

8.       WCI also provides above average royalty rate of 10%, 10% Writer and 90% MAP with “Buyback” option. 

9.       Upon payment of fee in full, the royalty split rate will look like 80% writer and 20% MAP.  SEE FAQs for clarifications and explanations.

10.    If you have chosen the “Assigned option,” and “indefinite deferment,” of payment; you have chosen 10% to MAP 90% split share of Royalty.

11.    The ISBN number is an asset of MAPublisher and is registered to MAPublisher. The ISBN number and the book title assigned to it are the property and asset of MAPublisher.

12.    The payment of the fee £800.00 is for the service offered and buyback of the royalty share does not give or transfers the ownership of the digital file or the ISBN number.

13.    The copyright of your story belongs to you.

14.    The production, reproduction and publishing rights you have given to MAPublisher in order to launch your publication; also for your book to be made available through on-line services; which are fulfilled by third parties for you through MAPublisher’s account.

15.    All bulk printing of your book is only available through MAPublisher; this is an inherent exclusivity in the service to you.

16.    The very fact that you will/have go/gone through this “is a way of process,” for self publishing.

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