Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Your self publishing options



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Right, you are ready to publish your work in a book.


You have two options:

1. You send your manuscript to the publishing companies and wait for them to accept your work and publish them and like "Penguin, Harper Collins and others.


2. You self publish your books

The process is daunting and there is no guarantee through the traditional way and self publishing is daunting too but it gives you control in your hand.


Choosing to self publish gives you options


1. Self publish your book and become a self publisher, become a independent publisher, (an Indy) which means you are now entering the self employment and an entrepreneur, find a printer, register your company, assign your ISBN and then get them in the distribution chain, getting your books to the shops and on-line stores.


2. You can self publish through MAPublisher who produce the book for you.


You can have your book assigned or un-assigned.


Assigned book means that the book will be registered with and ISBN.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit number that's used as a unique identifier for books. ISBN is used internationally.


Un-assigned means without.


When & Why would you want your book to be assigned?

If you want to go it alone and get your book out there in the global market and want to be free of administration of the chain of process, in short you just want copies when you need then receive royalties when sold, then this is when and why you'll have the book producer assign the number.


Your book will be registered and will enter the distribution chain globally. Your books will be printed on demand and will be purchasable through book shops and the on-line giants such as Amazon, Waterstones, and many others.


When & why would you want your book unassigned?

You produce the books for the sole purpose for you to send to the agencies with the hope that you are discovered by a publishing house.


Your book will not be registered and no ISBN will be assigned. You book will be unregistered (unlocked) for any agents wanting to take you on.

This is an ASI (Authors Support information)

For further information and clarity please email us: mapublisher@yahoo.com

Here are links to find out more about MAP's world and it's workings.

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