Collective Community
It has been a long time coming and a "collective" have
independently worked to preserve and educate the people afar as
well as locally about the struggle the Bangladeshi community endured. As
a consequences lives were lost, taken by the racist elements of the
East End.
One person that cements the
Bangladeshi resolve to be "free" to be and live in United Kingdom was
the late Altab Ali. Altab Ali was a victim of the "Paki bashing" era and
was attacked, mugged and then stabbed multiple times, in his neck and
his chest, piercing his lungs. With his injuries he fought off the
attackers and made his way to the main street, Whitechapel Road and got
himself to the bus stop (which no longer exists and has been moved from
the original site). There he placed himself, sat leaning on the bus
stand, waiting for help as his drains of blood.

We have moved on 40 years and yet we know very little about the person and the life he lived and the world he left behind. So to this avail I have been researching and speaking with his friends and family in UK and mainly in Bangladesh to put a series of books together with clarity, facts and first hand accounts.
I have devised series of four short books which will be released one after the other through the "Bangladeshi East End" Label, imprint of MAPublisher.
These books are short and pictorial so that it is affordable and appealing to all section of the community.
1. Book one captures: Altab Ali's life and his family and friends, this book is assisted by the family in Bangladesh.
2. Book Two Captures: The Murder of Altab Ali - in this book we name the 3rd person, who took the knife to him.
3. Book Three Captures: The legacy of Altab Ali - in this book we capture all the things that have happened to support Altab Ali and the anti racist cause.
4. Book Four Captures: This book captures work inspired by Altab Ali, his tragedy; there are poems, artwork, including artist impression of the attack, the demonstrations' and other images related to Altab Ali's journey.
The first book will be out before the forth coming Altab Ali, 4.5 2021.
For any information or support please email me:
Look forward to read.