Monday, 4 July 2022

Poets by books

 2022 Latest version out soon!

We like to keep organised and remind ourselves of which poet is in which book.  This way we can see at a glance, how many participants per anthology and read their names.


V8 Book of Lived
  1. Mayar Akash
  2. Zainab Khan
  3. Paul Harvey
  4. Rashma Mehta
  5. John Cynddylan
  6. Bhupendra M Gandhi
  7. Abu Maryam Gous
  8. Jenny Bishop
  9. Rob Kersley
  10. Moriom Chaudhury
  11. Tahi Chowdhury
  12. Res Burman
  13. Julie Archbold
  14. Chris York
  15. Michael Ashton
  16. Paul Crump
  17. Sabina Begum
  18. Janey Bryson
  19. Ayesha Chowdhury
  20. Libby Pentreath
  21. Leo Rudman
  22. Eve Wakeling
  23. Jade Carter-Bennett
  24. Tyrone M Warren
  25. Alison Norton
  26. Paul Keeting
  27. Andrew Harry
  28. Robyn Harry
  29. David Harley
  30. Roger Lowry - Cover Art

V7 Book of Lived
  1. Mayar Akash
  2. Rashma Mehta
  3. John Cynddylan
  4. Abu Maryam Gous
  5. Chris York
  6. Ayesha Chowdhury
  7. Libby Pentreath
  8. Amitrajit Raajan
  9. Suzette Reed
  10. Abul Hussain
  11. Paul Phillips
  12. Samiul Fox
  13. Ossian Hughe
  14. Sandra Sanjeet Green
  15. Mustak Ahmed Mustafa
  16. Steve Willoughby
  17. Ferdous Rahman
  18. Stuart Cooper
  19. Adrian Smith - Cover Art

V6 Book of Lived

  1. Mayar Akash
  2. Rashma Mehta
  3. John Dillon Cynddylan
  4. Alga Statham
  5. Jeremy J Lovelady
  6. Mathew Saunders Whiting
  7. Lyla Byrne
  8. Jamal Hasan
  9. Stephen Goldsmith
  10. Clare Saunders Whiting
  11. Sally Walker
  12. Elsa Kiernanfox
  13. Jaida Begum
  14. Abdul Mannan
  15. Chris York
  16. Julie Ann Wheeler
  17. Suzette Reed
  18. Sandra Sanjeet Green
  19. Peter Fox - Cover art

V5 Book of Lived
  1. Ruth Lewarne
  2. Rabia Mehmood
  3. Jane Hodge Late
  4. Lyla Byrne
  5. Julie Ann Wheeler
  6. John Robert Gordon
  7. Rashma Mehta
  8. Bhupendra M Gandhi
  9. Liam Newton
  10. Nicki & Laura Ellis
  11. Mayar Akash
  12. Jeremy J lovelady - Cover art

V4 Book of Lived
  1. Tamanna Parveen
  2. Mayar Akash + Cover photo
  3. Liam Newton
  4. Rashma Mehta
  5. Nirmul Kaur
  6. Akik Miah
  7. Julie Archbold
  8. Mathew Saunders Whiting
  9. Kalam Choudhury
  10. Lora Ashman

V3 Book of Lived

  1. Mayar Akash + Cover photo
  2. Rebekah Vaughan
  3. Liam Newton
  4. Tamanna Parveen
  5. Rabia Mehmood

V2 Book of Lived

  1. Mayar Akash + Cover art
  2. Isaac Harvey
  3. Ellis Dixon-King
  4. Rebekah Vaughan
  5. Muhammed Nurul Huque

V1 Book of Lived
  1. Mayar Akash + Cover photo
  2. Zainab Khan
  3. Paul Harvey

We can see the clear growth in each anthology and as such Penny Authors has grown too in terms of services to the poets.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Cornish Writers

 We are proud to have been able to serve the writing community nationwide, and develop our services and  improve our reach.  We are proud that our services in West Cornwall has been received well and we have seen growth in its uptake since 2018.

1. Mayar Akash (Founder)

2. Mathew Saunders Whiting

3. Julie Archbold

4. John Robert Gordon (Late)

5. Julie Anne Wheeler

6. Joan Hodge (Late)

7. Ruth Lewarne

8. Nicki & Laura Ellis

9. Alga Statham

10. Jeremy J. Lovelady

11. Peter Fox

12. Stephan Goldsmith

13. Clare Saunders Whiting

14. Sally Walker

15. Elsa Kiernanfox

16. John Cynddylan Dillon

17. Suzette Reed

18. Sandra Sanjeet Green

19. Coral Dodsworth

20. Chris York

22. Ossian Hughes

23. Stuart “Coopsie” Cooper

24. Steve Willoughby

25. Libby Pentreath

26. Adrian Smith

27. Paul Crump

28. Roger Lowry

29. David Harley

30. John S. Wallis

31. Michael Ashton

32. Mary F Fletcher

33. Rob Kersley

34. Tyrone M Warren

35. Alison Ali Norton

36. Andrew Harry

37. Janey Bryson

38. Paul Keeting

39. Res John Burman

40. Robyn Harry

41. Jade Carter-Bennet

42. Leo Rudman

43. Eve Wakeling

44. Jenny Bishop

45. Lyla Byrne

46. Roger Underwood

47. Cosette E. Ratliff

48. Paul Wadsworth

1-45 Writers listed above had their work published in the Penny Authors Anthologies, titled the "Book of Lived."

There has been 7 publications since 2017 and this year is the 8th volume due out soon.  The rate of publication has settled as an annual one, 1 per year and usually published by end of August.  This year's volume has gone through changes and one of them is that "Penny Authors is one voice" so the content in the book will not have the writers' name, this is provided separately; on the website This may be frustrating (subjectively) however, this should be read with an open mind. It is aimed for the reader to "feel," the spirit within, without the influence of the names.

The book will go further changes from the next volume, volume 9, the cover will be designed with the writers' profile pictures, as a way to fulfil PA's charter, "Championing the spirits within."  this means that we will not continue with artwork from artists like we have done for the previous seven volume and the 8th one to come.


For few of the writers who participated with Penny Authors also took up the facility that was available to them to publish their own books.  Penny Author is a gateway to the "Writer's champion" imprint and publishing facility to self publish.

Ruth Lewarne and Lyla Byrne took up the facility to publish through MAPublisher's imprint, Writer's Champion, where you can self publish your book whether you are able to pay or not due to your financial circumstances. A bespoke and a tailored publishing service is made available, for more information emails us via the website

Roger Underwood, Cosette E Ratliff, Peter Fox and Paul Wadsworth have all benefited from the Writer's champion facility and published their own books.

Ruth Lewarne's books:

1. Lit From Within
2. The vampire of the Resistance

Lyla Merion Byrne's book:
1. Riversolde 

Roger Underwood's books:
1. Smiley and the Acorn - A Story from Cornwall
2. Smiley and the Acorn - Treasure on the Isles of Scilly

Cosette E. Ratliff's book:
1. On the Seventh Day

Peter Fox's book:
1. Peter Fox Artist - A Re-Enchantment of Contemporary Art

Paul Wadsworth's book:
1. India, stories from the Banyan tree